..DIAGONAL 3D CHESS - A Record of Comments..


All digital comments I have recieved about 3DChess so far...

Last UPDATED 6/15/06


[[location : yahoo groups 3d chess]]


I am in awe. This is the sort of 3D chess for which I have been waiting for years but I lacked the ability to program it. I can't wait to get home and try it out. You had a great idea for the pawns!


[[location : thehinge@hotmail.com]]


> Interesting approach.
> I believe that the idea of extending the influence of the Pawn
> through a series of cells was previously covered at this Group.
> Granted, this was probably in relation to the 8x8x3 playing field.

It may have been covered before, but this is the first *I'VE* seen it.
WEIRD! And yet I find myself intrigued. Of course, it might be
expected that anybody caling himself "Xenophile" would be attracted to
the weird and the exotic. And yet this is weirdness with worth. I
look forward to trying it.

> Some research of the previous postings may un-cover this fact. There
> are quite a lot of references to Pawns at this Group.

I'll do some searching. It helped me get some of the arguments
relating to ST3D, and it *almost* made me able to grasp planar pieces.
I still don't quite get those, to be honest. Probably because I'm
not quite as bright as I like to think that I am.

> This is possibly the first time that it has been applied to any
> game.

I don't doubt it. This Pawn "promotes" with every move! He becomes
increasingly powerful, but also increasingly vulnerable.

I also like the 45º tilt. The two armies are now once again directly
across from each other. Of course, they always were in games like
raumschach, but now it *looks like it.*

Finally, I like the fact that, in this early part of the 21st Century,
somebody has made a Chess game that is SO 3-D, SO "weightless," that
it can really only be played in the computer. Sure, you could stack
up eight boards and play, but good luck tilting the set, and keeping
track of that growing/shrinking Pawn is going to be a real bitch.
Nope, cyberspace is the place for this game.


[[location : thehinge@hotmail.com]]


Interesting approach.

I believe that the idea of extending the influence of the Pawn
through a series of cells was previously covered at this Group.
Granted, this was probably in relation to the 8x8x3 playing field.

Some research of the previous postings may un-cover this fact. There
are quite a lot of references to Pawns at this Group.

This is possibly the first time that it has been applied to any game.


I have been considering replacing the Rook with a Pulsar. Rather than
having the Rook promote to an orthogonal planar piece, or Base.

The Pulsar moves exactly like the Rook but is able to attack not only
the cells directly in it path but those cells adjacent to its path. A
sort of mini hook-move. This hook move would be to the surrounding
cells on the planes which the initial orthogonal move penetrates and
would only involve a capture move.

This creates a nice 3x3 column of influence across the field. And
with the Cubes of this field occupying various positions, it would
allow the orthogonal mover to have greater power. Gaps in the playing
field would have little effect on this particular piece's power. As
long as it can move to a position, it would attack those
cells 'perpendicularly' adjacent.

Of course, this 'hook-move' would only be possible if the destination
cell is enemy-occupied and the cell from which the 'hook' is made is
vacant. Blocking of the Pulsar would be similar to blocking a Rook,
since all that is necessary is to block its initial line of movement
to deter its attack.

And by not having a promotion for this orthogonal mover, the piece's
power would remain constant, reducing the considerations of the


[[location : thehinge@hotmail.com]]


Checked out the website. Very nice. Very interactive.

A small question about the Pawns. Do they attack the same as they

You state that they can make multiple captures, I would assume that
this would not be possible if a friendly pieces was located in the
line of fire.

If the Pawns' capture is the same as its movement, this makes them
similar to Shogi Pawns. They would not be able to defend one another.

This would require that the power pieces perform this function in
order to maintain any Pawn structure. This is neither good nor bad,
but it may divert some pieces from the primary goal of assaulting the
opponent King.

Have you considered allowing captured Pawns to be reintroduced
according to Shogi rules? The player would only be allowed to have a
maximum of eight Pawns on the field, and this might increase the
potential of promotion and offer a greater opportunity of checkmate.

The Rooks are Favourites, the Bishops are Archbishops.

All in all, a very interesting configuration. Though the field might
be a little big for this few pieces. (I know that you have pointed
that out at your site.)

These pieces might work best on the 8x8x3 playing field. Set-up on
opposite sides on the center level. With the Pawns extending their
influence through each of the three levels, moving without capture
forward orthogonal and capturing forward diagonal(all three levels).


[[location : thehinge@hotmail.com]]


It looks pretty. What are director projector files?


[[location : thehinge@hotmail.com]]


Hello Dan Beyer,

An item you authored on chessvariants.org was commented on. The item is:
'Diagonal 3D Chess' at:


It was rated 'None'.

Here is the comment that was entered by 'Tony Quintanilla (verified)':

I am not rating this page now, because I want to try the 3D board first.
This may deserve an 'excellent.'

One significant problem with 3D variants (some very interesting) is that
they are difficult or near impossible to properly visualize on a 2D
platform, such as Game Courier or ZOG.

One needs a physical 3D board (sometimes not possible), or a
computer-generated 3D model that can be manipulated to present various
views, to appreciate 3D games.

2D platforms require players to imagine the 3D connections between 2D
slices of the board. An analogy would be trying to visualize a 2D board
cut into 1D slices, say each rank presented side by side, instead of top
to bottom as usual. Try playing on that board!

Anyway, the offered computer generated board may work. Let's see!

The Chess Variant Pages Feedback System



[[location : facebook]]


My brain hurts from trying to play 3D chess by myself
it gets boring playing with yourself all the time


[[location : thehinge@hotmail.com]]


Thank you, Dan.

Something worth checking out!

Best Regards,
Jeremy Good


[[location : facebook]]


I saw your 3d chess business

I got really excited

I unzipped it (hot)

it had an identity crisis

Director disowned it

I am sad





