New stuff from Dan Sternof Beyer Projects of Dan Sternof Beyer Listen to the music of Dan Sternof Beyer Contact Dan Sternof Beyer


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Dan Sternof Beyer


A few from the new album Icosahedron

icosahedron - dan sternof beyer







Timepuzzles - Dan Sternof Beyer







Speed Suit - Dan Sternof Beyer - Nate Clarke Oester




A band born into a world where argile clad hippsters battle for status with irony and fixy bikes in the rained out North West streets. Pyramids, elks, little birds, sasquatch, rimmed glasses, beards, cheap beer, really good beer, sweaters, food service jobs, coffee, tight jeans, messenger bags. These are the things of which there is no escape.

Members : Dan Sternof Beyer, Nate Clarke Oester

Techniques : "Press Play" shows with live singing and atmosphere mixing








druids and professionals


DOWNLOAD ALBUM - Druids and Professionals - COMING SOON


On MySpace - Druids and Professionals








PremelinniumTechno - Dan Sternof Beyer




Pre Millennium Techno - Disc 1 : 24 songs (82mb)
Selection of faster more intense works. Neo industrial, lo-fi, logical progress.


Pre Millennium Techno - Disc 2 : 24 songs (112mb)
Selection of slower more ambient happy works. Ambeint, lo-fi, logical progress.


Pre Millennium Techno - Disc 3 : 6 songs (23mb)
Selection of mixed media works. Books on tape with techno backs, musique concret, story telling.








Thanks for listening
