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WHO: Daniel Sternof Beyer
WHAT: A four hour performance of hand portraits on a white board.
WHERE : Chump Change Gallery @ 6th and Everett Downtown Portland.
WHEN : First Thursday Art Walk . From 5:oopm - 9:00pm
WHY: Because there isn't enough performance art in Portland.


"At the last minute I decided to call this performance Viva La Arte. Loosely translated to 'long live art' and grammatically incorrect in spanish.
After horribly insulting a fellow comrade and artist, and being unaware of it till she later confronted me about it mid show, I nailed my whiteboard to the brick wall
of the Chump Change Gallery. My goal was to draw hands for four hours non-stop while having some good crowd interactions and
generally showing off. This went well at times. I asked people from the crowd to present me with a hand posture which I would
craft on the board in front of them. Many people showed me gang signs, which were crowd pleasers.

After four hours of this, and a necessary calling out by a fellow comrade and artist about my loose tongue and blind foolishness, I opened the
board up to public creation and consumption. This produced a nice Art Wiki. 'Ugly information' was erased and 'good information'
seemed to hold its ground.

In all the performance and subsequent public drawing was a statement on the public's roll in art consumption today.
Such that we are moving into an age of prosumers and prosuming. The prosumer is a producer of art and a consumer
of art in a community of prosumers (as evident in many online spheres). I believe it is time to throw out passive
consumption of art, especially in galleries, and welcome the creative prosumer into the realm of the modern high art world."

Daniel Sternof Beyer

Daniel Sternof Beyer

Daniel Sternof Beyer

Daniel Sternof Beyer

Daniel Sternof Beyer

Daniel Sternof Beyer

Daniel Sternof Beyer


"So, if you haven't already noticed I started going as my full name. Daniel Sternof Beyer.
And never call a friend and fellow artist anything less than a friend and fellow artist,
you are lucky to know them and they are far and few between."

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